The EPL101 PLC is a circuit board OEM PLC. The EPL101 has 4 analog inputs, 7 digital inputs and 2 inputs for Encoders. It has 6 relay outputs, 5 that are rated for 5 Amps and 1 relay rated for 16 Amps. It also has an analog output 0-5 Volts. The outputs can be simple on off or P, PI,PID or PD control. The EPL101 accepts inputs from K, S, T, R, J or E type thermocouples, Pt100, Ni100 RTD'S. NTC10K thermistor inputs. The EPL101 also accepts inputs from sensors with 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-20mV or 0-1V signal. It also has 6 digital PNP inputs up to 1 Hz and 2 NPN inputs up to 2 K Hz.