CAEN has developed a complete family of digitizers that consists of several models differing in sampling frequency, resolution, form factor (VME, NIM, Desktop, Rack) and other features.
In recent years CAEN opened the doors of its R&D to the Open FPGA technology, which is becoming more and more widely used and required. In addition, we decided to invest many resources in order to make this technology accessible to everyone. These efforts result in innovative Programmable Digitizer families and the SCI-Compiler software for easy-programming of the Open FPGA simplifying firmware writing with a block-based visual programming language.
- Modular Pulse Processing Electronics
- Digitizers
- ADCs (Peak Sensing)
- TDCs
- I/O Registers
- Translators
- Timing Units
- Attenuators
- Controllers
- Programmable Logic Units
- Data Readout Modules
- Coincidence/Logic/Trigger Units
- Linear Fan In – Fan Out Units
- Amplifiers (Fast)
- Analog Signal Converters
- Discriminators
2740 Family
2740 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 2740 Digitizer is a 64-channel digital signal processor for radiation detectors available in VME64 (V2740), VME64X (VX2740), and Desktop (DT2740) form factor. It offers not only waveform digitization and recording but also Multi-Channel Analysis for nuclear spectroscopy using Silicon strip, segmented HPGe, Scintillation detector with PMTs, Wire Chambers, and others. The 2740 can perform pulse height measurements (PHA), constant fraction timing (CFD), charge integration (QDC) and pulse shape discrimination (PSD) independently for each of the 64 channels.
2745 Family
2745 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 2745 Digitizer is a 64-channel digital signal processor for radiation detectors available in VME64 (V2745), VME64X (VX2745), and Desktop (DT2745) form factor. It offers not only waveform digitization and recording but also Multi-Channel Analysis for nuclear spectroscopy using Silicon strip, segmented HPGe, Scintillation detector with PMTs, Wire Chambers, and others. The 2745 can perform pulse height measurements (PHA), constant fraction timing (CFD), charge integration (QDC) and pulse shape discrimination (PSD) independently for each of the 64 channels.
5560 Family
5560 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
CAEN recently opened the doors of its R&D to the open FPGA technology, which is becoming more and more widely used and required. In addition, we decided to invest many resources in order to make this technology accessible to everyone. These efforts result in the brand new x5560 Programmable Digitzer family and the SCI-Compiler software for easy-programming of the open FPGA.
720 Family
720 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 720 is a family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of charge integration and pulse shape discrimination. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 12-bit resolution and 250 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for mid-fast signals as the ones coming from liquid or inorganic scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers. In the waveform recording mode, algorithms of zero suppression are also implemented to reduce the data throughput.
724 Family
724 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 724 is a family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of pulse height analysis and dynamic acquisition window. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 14-bit resolution and 100 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for high resolution detectors as Silicon, HPGe or inorganic scintillators like NaI or CsI coupled with Charge Sensitive Preamplifers. In the waveform recording mode, algorithms of zero suppression are also implemented to reduce the data throughput. The acquisition can be channel independent and it is possible to make coincidence/anticoincidence logic among diferent channels and external veto/gating. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
Standard Digitizer
725S Family
725S Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 725S family is a digitizer capable of recording waveforms along with performing advanced algorithms for online digital pulse processing (DPP). Utilizing DPP Firmware, users can acquire quantitative physical parameters (Integrated Charge, Pulse Shape Discrimination with very fine time resolution, Pulse Height Analysis) as well as read out waveforms with automatic pulse identification and baseline suppression on channel basis (Zero-Length Encoding and Dynamic Acquisition Window). The wide range of DPP algorithms supported by the 725S make it a “must-have” for any type of nuclear physics application.
730S Family
730S Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 730S family is a digitizer capable of recording waveforms along with performing advanced algorithms for online digital pulse processing (DPP). Utilizing DPP Firmware, users can acquire quantitative physical parameters (Integrated Charge, Pulse Shape Discrimination with very fine time resolution, Pulse Height Analysis) as well as read out waveforms with automatic pulse identification and baseline suppression on channel basis (Zero-Length Encoding and Dynamic Acquisition Window). The wide range of DPP algorithms supported by the 730S family make it a “must-have” for any type of nuclear physics application.
740 Family
740 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 740 is a high channel density CAEN Waveform Digitizer family able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of charge integration. Both the elevate number of channels per board (32 for Desktop and NIM form factor, 64 for VME) and the DPP algorithm make the board a digital replacement of a traditional QDC. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 12-bit resolution and 62.5 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for mid-slow signals as the ones coming from inorganic scintillators coupled to PMTs, gaseous detectors and others. Sampling rate can be further reduced using the decimation feature. The acquisition can be channel independent and externally vetoed/gated. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
742 Family
742 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 742 is the Switched Capacitor Digitizer family, based on the DRS4 chip by PSI, with the highest sampling frequency (5GS/s) and channel density. It can record very fast signals from scintillators coupled to PMTs, Silicon Photomultipliers, APD, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for advanced timing analysis. The 742 family has an additional channel (two channels in case of VME boards) which can be used as time reference for time of fight measurements. The resolution of this kind of measurements can reach up to 50 ps.
743 Family
743 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 743 is the Switched Capacitor Digitizer family, based on the SAMLONG chip and developed in collaboration with CEA/IRFU, with a good compromise between high sampling frequency (3.2GS/s) and channel density. It can record very fast signals from scintillators coupled to PMTs, Silicon Photomultipliers, APD, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for advanced timing analysis.
751Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 751 is a family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of charge integration and pulse shape discrimination with constant fraction timing and zero-length encoding. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 10-bit resolution and 1GS/s sampling rate (2GS/s using half of the channels in DES mode), which is well suited for fast signals as the ones coming from fast organic, inorganic and liquid scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers, Diamond detectors and others. The acquisitioncan be channel independent and it is possible to make coincidence/ anti-coincidence logic among diferent channels and external veto/ gating. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
761 Family
761 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 761 is the family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer with the highest sampling rate Flash ADC (10 bit @ 4GS/s). It can record fast signals from fast organic, inorganic and liquid scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for advanced timing analysis. The acquisition can be externally vetoed/gated. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
16 Channel 12bit 3.2 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer
V1743 - CAEN S.p.A.
V1743 houses VME (VME64X compliant) and Optical Link interfaces. The VME interface allows data transfers of 60 MB/s (MBLT64), 100 MB/s (2eVME), 160 MB/s (2eSST). The Optical Link supports transfer rate of 80 MB/s and offers Daisy chain capability. Therefore, it is possible to connect up to 8/32 ADC modules to a single Optical Link controller (Mod. A2818/A3818).
16 Channel 12bit 3.2 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer
VX1743 - CAEN S.p.A.
VX1743 houses VME (VME64X compliant) and Optical Link interfaces. The VME interface allows data transfers of 60 MB/s (MBLT64), 100 MB/s (2eVME), 160 MB/s (2eSST). The Optical Link supports transfer rate of 80 MB/s and offers Daisy chain capability.
16/8 Channel 14 bit 500 MS/s Digitizer
V1730 / V1730S
V1730 / V1730S - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1730S comes in a VME form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
16/8 Channel 14 bit 500 MS/s Digitizer
VX1730 / VX1730S
VX1730 / VX1730S - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1730S comes in a VME64X form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces. The VX1730S (previously VX1730) has also been upgraded, introducing a larger FPGA to accommodate more complex DPP algorithms and a new A/D converter for better stability which does not require temperature-related calibration.
16/8 Channel 14-bit 250 MS/s Digitizer
V1725 / V1725S
V1725 / V1725S - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1725S family comes in a VME form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
16/8 Channel 14-bit 250 MS/s Digitizer
VX1725 / VX1725S
VX1725 / VX1725S - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1725S family comes in a VME64X form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces. The VX1725S is a digitizer capable of recording waveforms along with performing advanced algorithms for online digital pulse processing (DPP). Utilizing DPP Firmware, users can acquire quantitative physical parameters (Integrated Charge, Pulse Shape Discrimination with very fine time resolution, Pulse Height Analysis) as well as read out waveforms with automatic pulse identification and baseline suppression on channel basis (Zero-Length Encoding and Dynamic Acquisition Window).
2 Channel 10 bit 4GS/s Digitizer
V1761 - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1761 comes in a VME form factor with 2 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces. It can record fast signals from fast organic, inorganic and liquid scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for offline advanced timing analysis.
2 Channel 10 bit 4GS/s Digitizer
VX1761 - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1761 comes in a VME64X form factor with 2 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
32+2 Channel 12bit 5 GS/s Digitizer
VX1742 - CAEN S.p.A.
The Mod. VX1742 is a 1-unit wide VME64X board housing 32+2 Channel 12 bit 5 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer sections. The input dynamic range is 1 Vpp on single-ended MCX coaxial connectors (16-bit DAC on each channel to control the DC Offset).
32+2 Channel 12bit 5 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer
V1742 - CAEN S.p.A.
12 bit @ 5 GS/s, 1-unit wide 6U VME64 module, Switched Capacitor technology based on the DRS4 chip (designed at Paul Scherrer Institute) 1024 capacitor cells per channel (acquisition window of ~ 200 ns @ 5 GS/s)
4/8 Channel 10 bit 2/1 GS/s Digitizer
V1751 - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1751 comes in a VME form factor with 4/8 input channels (4 channels in case of DES mode*). The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
4/8 Channel 10 bit 2/1 GS/s Digitizer
VX1751 - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1751 comes in a VME64X form factor with 4/8 input channels (4 channels in case of DES mode*). The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
64 Channel 12 bit 62.5 MS/s Digitizer
V1740D - CAEN S.p.A.
V1740D houses VME (VME64X compliant) and Optical Link interfaces. The VME interface allows data transfers of 60 MB/s (MBLT64), 100 MB/s (2eVME), 160 MB/s (2eSST). The Optical Link supports transfer rate of 80 MB/s and offers Daisy chain capability.
64 Channel 12bit 62.5 MS/s Digitizer
VX1740 - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1740 is a 1-unit wide VME64X 6U module housing a 64 Channel 12 bit 62.5 MS/s (65 MS/s using external clock) Flash ADC Waveform Digitizer and featuring 2 Vpp single ended input dynamics on two ERNI SMC connectors. Versions with 10 Vpp (single ended) input full scale range are also available (VX1740A/VX1740C).
64 Channel 12bit 62.5 MS/s Digitizer
VX1740D - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1740D is a 1-unit wide VME64X 6U module housing a 64 Channel 12 bit 62.5 MS/s (65 MS/s using external clock) Flash ADC Waveform Digitizer and featuring 2 Vpp single ended input dynamics on two ERNI SMC connectors.
8 Channel 12bit 250 MS/s Digitizer
VX1720 - CAEN S.p.A.
VX1720 houses VME (VME64X compliant) and Optical Link interfaces. The VME interface allows data transfers of 60 MB/s (MBLT64), 100 MB/s (2eVME), 160 MB/s (2eSST). The Optical Link supports transfer rate of 80 MB/s and offers Daisy chain capability. Therefore, it is possible to connect up to 8/32 ADC modules to a single Optical Link controller (Mod. A2818/A3818).
2740 Family
2740 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 2740 Digitizer is a 64-channel digital signal processor for radiation detectors available in VME64 (V2740), VME64X (VX2740), and Desktop (DT2740) form factor. It offers not only waveform digitization and recording but also Multi-Channel Analysis for nuclear spectroscopy using Silicon strip, segmented HPGe, Scintillation detector with PMTs, Wire Chambers, and others. The 2740 can perform pulse height measurements (PHA), constant fraction timing (CFD), charge integration (QDC) and pulse shape discrimination (PSD) independently for each of the 64 channels.
2745 Family
2745 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 2745 Digitizer is a 64-channel digital signal processor for radiation detectors available in VME64 (V2745), VME64X (VX2745), and Desktop (DT2745) form factor. It offers not only waveform digitization and recording but also Multi-Channel Analysis for nuclear spectroscopy using Silicon strip, segmented HPGe, Scintillation detector with PMTs, Wire Chambers, and others. The 2745 can perform pulse height measurements (PHA), constant fraction timing (CFD), charge integration (QDC) and pulse shape discrimination (PSD) independently for each of the 64 channels.
5560 Family
5560 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
CAEN recently opened the doors of its R&D to the open FPGA technology, which is becoming more and more widely used and required. In addition, we decided to invest many resources in order to make this technology accessible to everyone. These efforts result in the brand new x5560 Programmable Digitzer family and the SCI-Compiler software for easy-programming of the open FPGA.
724 Family
724 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 724 is a family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of pulse height analysis and dynamic acquisition window. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 14-bit resolution and 100 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for high resolution detectors as Silicon, HPGe or inorganic scintillators like NaI or CsI coupled with Charge Sensitive Preamplifers. In the waveform recording mode, algorithms of zero suppression are also implemented to reduce the data throughput. The acquisition can be channel independent and it is possible to make coincidence/anticoincidence logic among diferent channels and external veto/gating. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
Standard Digitizer
725S Family
725S Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 725S family is a digitizer capable of recording waveforms along with performing advanced algorithms for online digital pulse processing (DPP). Utilizing DPP Firmware, users can acquire quantitative physical parameters (Integrated Charge, Pulse Shape Discrimination with very fine time resolution, Pulse Height Analysis) as well as read out waveforms with automatic pulse identification and baseline suppression on channel basis (Zero-Length Encoding and Dynamic Acquisition Window). The wide range of DPP algorithms supported by the 725S make it a “must-have” for any type of nuclear physics application.
730S Family
730S Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 730S family is a digitizer capable of recording waveforms along with performing advanced algorithms for online digital pulse processing (DPP). Utilizing DPP Firmware, users can acquire quantitative physical parameters (Integrated Charge, Pulse Shape Discrimination with very fine time resolution, Pulse Height Analysis) as well as read out waveforms with automatic pulse identification and baseline suppression on channel basis (Zero-Length Encoding and Dynamic Acquisition Window). The wide range of DPP algorithms supported by the 730S family make it a “must-have” for any type of nuclear physics application.
740 Family
740 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 740 is a high channel density CAEN Waveform Digitizer family able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of charge integration. Both the elevate number of channels per board (32 for Desktop and NIM form factor, 64 for VME) and the DPP algorithm make the board a digital replacement of a traditional QDC. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 12-bit resolution and 62.5 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for mid-slow signals as the ones coming from inorganic scintillators coupled to PMTs, gaseous detectors and others. Sampling rate can be further reduced using the decimation feature. The acquisition can be channel independent and externally vetoed/gated. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
742 Family
742 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 742 is the Switched Capacitor Digitizer family, based on the DRS4 chip by PSI, with the highest sampling frequency (5GS/s) and channel density. It can record very fast signals from scintillators coupled to PMTs, Silicon Photomultipliers, APD, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for advanced timing analysis. The 742 family has an additional channel (two channels in case of VME boards) which can be used as time reference for time of fight measurements. The resolution of this kind of measurements can reach up to 50 ps.
743 Family
743 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 743 is the Switched Capacitor Digitizer family, based on the SAMLONG chip and developed in collaboration with CEA/IRFU, with a good compromise between high sampling frequency (3.2GS/s) and channel density. It can record very fast signals from scintillators coupled to PMTs, Silicon Photomultipliers, APD, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for advanced timing analysis.
751Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 751 is a family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of charge integration and pulse shape discrimination with constant fraction timing and zero-length encoding. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 10-bit resolution and 1GS/s sampling rate (2GS/s using half of the channels in DES mode), which is well suited for fast signals as the ones coming from fast organic, inorganic and liquid scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers, Diamond detectors and others. The acquisitioncan be channel independent and it is possible to make coincidence/ anti-coincidence logic among diferent channels and external veto/ gating. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
761 Family
761 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 761 is the family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer with the highest sampling rate Flash ADC (10 bit @ 4GS/s). It can record fast signals from fast organic, inorganic and liquid scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for advanced timing analysis. The acquisition can be externally vetoed/gated. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.
16 Channel 12bit 3.2 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer
V1743 - CAEN S.p.A.
V1743 houses VME (VME64X compliant) and Optical Link interfaces. The VME interface allows data transfers of 60 MB/s (MBLT64), 100 MB/s (2eVME), 160 MB/s (2eSST). The Optical Link supports transfer rate of 80 MB/s and offers Daisy chain capability. Therefore, it is possible to connect up to 8/32 ADC modules to a single Optical Link controller (Mod. A2818/A3818).
16 Channel 12bit 3.2 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer
VX1743 - CAEN S.p.A.
VX1743 houses VME (VME64X compliant) and Optical Link interfaces. The VME interface allows data transfers of 60 MB/s (MBLT64), 100 MB/s (2eVME), 160 MB/s (2eSST). The Optical Link supports transfer rate of 80 MB/s and offers Daisy chain capability.
16 Channel Leading Edge Discriminator
V895 - CAEN S.p.A.
The Mod. V895 is a 1-unit wide VME module housing a 16 channel leading edge discriminator. The module accepts 16 negative (positive on request) inputs and produces 16 differential ECL outputs with a fan-out of two on four front panel flat cable connectors.
16/8 Channel 14 bit 500 MS/s Digitizer
V1730 / V1730S
V1730 / V1730S - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1730S comes in a VME form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
16/8 Channel 14 bit 500 MS/s Digitizer
VX1730 / VX1730S
VX1730 / VX1730S - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1730S comes in a VME64X form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces. The VX1730S (previously VX1730) has also been upgraded, introducing a larger FPGA to accommodate more complex DPP algorithms and a new A/D converter for better stability which does not require temperature-related calibration.
16/8 Channel 14-bit 250 MS/s Digitizer
V1725 / V1725S
V1725 / V1725S - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1725S family comes in a VME form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
16/8 Channel 14-bit 250 MS/s Digitizer
VX1725 / VX1725S
VX1725 / VX1725S - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1725S family comes in a VME64X form factor, with 16/8 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces. The VX1725S is a digitizer capable of recording waveforms along with performing advanced algorithms for online digital pulse processing (DPP). Utilizing DPP Firmware, users can acquire quantitative physical parameters (Integrated Charge, Pulse Shape Discrimination with very fine time resolution, Pulse Height Analysis) as well as read out waveforms with automatic pulse identification and baseline suppression on channel basis (Zero-Length Encoding and Dynamic Acquisition Window).
2 Channel 10 bit 4GS/s Digitizer
V1761 - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1761 comes in a VME form factor with 2 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces. It can record fast signals from fast organic, inorganic and liquid scintillators coupled to PMTs or Silicon Photomultipliers, Diamond detectors and others, and save them with high efficiency and precision for offline advanced timing analysis.
2 Channel 10 bit 4GS/s Digitizer
VX1761 - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1761 comes in a VME64X form factor with 2 input channels. The communication to and from the board is provided through VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
32+2 Channel 12bit 5 GS/s Digitizer
VX1742 - CAEN S.p.A.
The Mod. VX1742 is a 1-unit wide VME64X board housing 32+2 Channel 12 bit 5 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer sections. The input dynamic range is 1 Vpp on single-ended MCX coaxial connectors (16-bit DAC on each channel to control the DC Offset).
32+2 Channel 12bit 5 GS/s Switched Capacitor Digitizer
V1742 - CAEN S.p.A.
12 bit @ 5 GS/s, 1-unit wide 6U VME64 module, Switched Capacitor technology based on the DRS4 chip (designed at Paul Scherrer Institute) 1024 capacitor cells per channel (acquisition window of ~ 200 ns @ 5 GS/s)
4/8 Channel 10 bit 2/1 GS/s Digitizer
V1751 - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1751 comes in a VME form factor with 4/8 input channels (4 channels in case of DES mode*). The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
4/8 Channel 10 bit 2/1 GS/s Digitizer
VX1751 - CAEN S.p.A.
The VX1751 comes in a VME64X form factor with 4/8 input channels (4 channels in case of DES mode*). The communication to and from the board is provided through the VMEBus and Optical Link interfaces.
4U 8 Slot VME64X Mini Crate
VME8008X - CAEN S.p.A.
The Model VME8008X is a 8 slot VME crate, suitable for 6U x 160mm boards, with VME64X compliant backplane. The Unit is powered by 100 – 240 Vac (50 – 60 Hz). The power distribution is 25A@+5V, 10A@+12V, 10A@-12V, 25A @ +3.3V. The VME8008X provides Automatic daisy chain and supports Chained Block Transfer (CBLT).