PXI/PXIe Power Relay Module, 16xSPDT, 5 Amp, 50-Pin SGMC Connector

PXI/PXIe Power Relay Module, 16xSPDT, 5 Amp, 50-Pin SGMC Connector

The 40/42-158-003 is a PXI/PXIe high density power relay module with 16xSPDT switches rated at 5A. User connection is via a 50-pin SGMC male connector. The 40/42-158 range is available in 8, 16, 24 or 32 SPST configurations with or without hardware interlock. Electro-mechanical power relays are used which are suitable for switching loads up to 5A at 250VAC.


Format: PXIe


  • GMCT (Male): Quantity: 1 Connector Positions: 50

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