AirSPEC - Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd (Baltic)
Scintillation gamma-ray spectrometer AirSPEC is intended for measuring scintillation spectra and alsofor determination of activities and specific activities of radionuclides in samples and in conditions of natural occurrence in geometries 2 and 4.Spectrometercan be usedfor various tasksradiation monitoring, including the definition ofspecific effective activity of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORM) in building materials (granite,crushed stone, gravel, etc.), raw materials, products, waste industrial productionand rockswithoutsampling; measurements surface activity of the radionuclide 137Cs (and other); mass fraction of NORM in rocks andoresin the conditions oftheirnatural occurrence on a surface, inboreholes and in warehouses andtransportcontainers, and also in study ofsurface contaminationof soil,as well asprospecting and exploration ofmineral deposits resources.The spectrometercan be used forworkin the laboratoryand in the field conditions.