740 Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 740 is a high channel density CAEN Waveform Digitizer family able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) of charge integration. Both the elevate number of channels per board (32 for Desktop and NIM form factor, 64 for VME) and the DPP algorithm make the board a digital replacement of a traditional QDC. Data is read by a Flash ADC, 12-bit resolution and 62.5 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for mid-slow signals as the ones coming from inorganic scintillators coupled to PMTs, gaseous detectors and others. Sampling rate can be further reduced using the decimation feature. The acquisition can be channel independent and externally vetoed/gated. Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems.