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Mobile Radio
Portable rf communication between moving transceivers.
See Also: Radio, Software Defined Radio, Radio Frequency, Ham Radio
Development Platform for Battery Operated IoT Applications
Thunderboard Sense
Thunderboard Sense is a small and feature packed development platform for battery operated IoT applications. The mobile app enables a quick proof of concept of cloud connected sensors. The multi-protocol radio combined with a broad selection of on-board sensors, make the Thunderboard Sense an excellent platform to develop and prototype a wide range of battery powered IoT applications.
EMF Measurements Antennas
An isotropic antenna that allows to carry out radiated emission and environment exposure measurement (elettrosmog) to the radio frequencies in proximity of radio and television stations and repeaters for mobile telephone.
Mobile Wireless Network Emulator
WISER 50-node wireless network emulator. Includes mobility, path-loss, CDMA time-slot emulation and more. Designed to emulate US Military network designs and may be applicable for other mobile wireless networks. Supports up to 50 nodes (vehicles, radio towers, etc). WISER is a joint project between Telcordia and Candela Technologies. Please see Telcordia's WISER Web Page for implementation details and research papers.
Mobile Antennas
Mobile antenna from Pasternack is part of our extensive in-stock omni-directional radio antenna selection. This single band mobile antenna has a frequency range of 40 MHz to 47 MHz and a 0 nominal dBi gain. Our mobile antenna uses NMO Mount input and is rated for 200 Watts input.
Land Mobile Radio
Land Mobile Radio systems are commonly used for critical communications by public safety organizations such as police, firefighters, and other emergency response organizations. In addition to the public safety sector, LMR systems are also commonly used in the commercial world in various industries including industrial, transportation, utilities, security, and logistics. LMR systems typically consist of handheld portable radios, vehicle mounted mobile radios, fixed base stations and repeaters, and network infrastructure.
Channel Emulator/Fading Simulator
The channel emulator/fading simulator is a measuring instrument for reproducing the actual radio wave propagation environment of mobile communication.It reproduces the fading environment defined by 3GPP and virtual environment of multiple channels such as MIMO, HetNet.It will contribute to improving development and verification efficiency of the latest mobile communication system such as 5G NR, LTE-Advanced and IoT.
SAFEONE® Pro Personal RF Safety Monitor
Pro SI-1100XT
SafeOne® Pro SI-1100XT is an effective and economical means to monitor the strength of electromagnetic (RF) fields from mobile phone towers, microwave ovens, radio and television installations, high frequency welders, and other common workplace RF sources between 10 and 18,000 MHz. The Personal RF Monitor is an important tool in complying with FCC, OSHA, and other safe workplace requirements.
MIPI Radio Front-End
Mobile phone radios have developed into highly complex, multi-band and multi-standard designs that often have multiple radio frequency (RF) signal chains. The MIPI Alliance Specification for RF Front-End Control Interface (RFFE) was developed to offer a common and widespread method for controlling RF front-end devices. The RFFE Master IP core typically resides in the RFIC in a mobile platform, and utilizes the RFFE bus to identify, program and monitor the registers in RF front end Slave devices through programmed IO. It is designed to support existing standards such as LTE, UMTS, HSPA and EGPRS, and is usable in configurations ranging from single Master/single Slave to multi-Master/multi-Slave.
Radio Monitoring and Signal Analysis
Shoghi has a full portfolio of products which fulfill the customer requirements for radio monitoring and signal analysis. Shoghi has a very robust SDR based wideband radio monitoring solution which can be implemented both in static or mobile versions for HF and VHF/UHF frequency bands. The Shoghi Radio Monitoring and DF system is the full-fledged product which provides the facilities for wideband signal reception and advanced signal analysis capabilities in addition to both wideband and narrowband D capabilities. The signal analysis capabilities include the ability to demodulate and decode both narrowband and wideband signals and advanced signal protocol analysis for detection of specific data protocols used in the intercepted RF signals.
Car-to-X Signal Strength Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
QPER-C2X is a special adaptation of the signal strength emulator QPER, designed for mobile and Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (MANet and VANet). Every radio devices in such an infrastructure-less network acts as a sender, receiver, and forwarder (router). Therefore, the ports of the QPER-C2X hardware are fully connected with each other by dynamically controllable attenuators. The system is fully designed for frequencies up to 6 GHz, since wireless communication for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is based on the WLAN standard IEE 802.11p from 5.850 MHz to 5.925 MHz. The connected ITS stations can be either on-board units, as they are built into cars, or road side units that are used by road infrastructure (traffic lights, road work area delimiters, velocity signs). For tests in the lab, radio modules of such ITS stations are each kept in a shielding box that prevents any unwanted radiation over the air.
Mobile Network Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
QPER Mobile Network Emulator enables engineers to simulate handover scenarios in mobile networks without a fully-fledged test lab. Based on Qosmotec’s QPER technology, it allows to test UE and SIM-Card behaviour in a completely emulated mobile network: Cells can be configured with all relevant cell parameters (MCC, MNC, LAC, CI, etc.), SIMs can be added to the HLR, and UEs can use standard circuit switched and packed switched services. Thus, the QPER Mobile Network Emulator emulates the all components of a mobile network – consisting of core and radio functionality – and creates RF signals. It supports GSM, GPRS and EDGE (900 MHz, 1800 MHz) as well as UMTS (2100 MHz).
Handover Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The Qosmotec handover test system QPER is a versatile test platform for emulating the RF signal between radio devices in a wireless network, e.g., between mobile stations and radio infrastructure of a mobile network. It is employed in test beds where radio signals are transmitted through coaxial cables and specifically manipulated by testers. QPER can be based on various hardware platforms, from attenuator arrays to digital channel emulators.
RF Modules
Infotainment systems have to deal with a several RF signals, starting from world radio standards but extending to mobile communication, GPS & WLAN. Most of the H.U. RF connections provide phantom power to active antennas that should be tested at different loading conditions (on more values, yet different case by case).
Wireless Cmmunications and Networks
Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications
The Wireless Communications and Networks Division has been working on mobile and wireless radio communications solutions for more than 20 years. The work covers a wide range and ranges from information and network theory via channel measurements and radio channel modeling, algorithms and protocol design, systematic reviews at link, system and network level to prototypical implementations in demonstrators and field tests.
Tunable Notch Filters
The Ranatec Tunable Notch Filters are critical tools for adaptation to stringent new ETSI/3GPP conformance test specifications for mobile device radio properties, that covers all sub-6 mobile bands and channel bandwidths for 2G/3G/4G/5G. Designed for formal conformance testing performed by accredited test houses, as well internal verification by mobile device vendors. A flexible and easy to use test automation platform to support almost any ambition level, tailored to your demands.
DC to AC Power Inverter
Help to operate all kinds of devices need the AC power, such as electric lights, kitchen appliances, power tools, TVs, radios, computers and more. The extra USB can provide power for using/charging mobile phones and digital devices conveniently.
DC to AC Power Inverter
Help to operate all kinds of devices need the AC power, such as electric lights, kitchen appliances, power tools, TVs, radios, computers and more. The extra USB can provide power for using/charging mobile phones and digital devices conveniently.
4G, 3G and 2G Device Testing
Wireless network emulators enable the entire mobile device ecosystem to accelerate delivery of 5G new radio (NR) products.
Testing Multi-Radio Mobile Devices
With LitePoint's IQxstreamTM mobile test system you will have all the capability you need to fully test many 3G and even 4G cellular radios and standards. Moreover, the system is designed to reduce per-device test time and cost because of its unique parallelism architecture. A 100 MHz capture capability means that it can test adjacent channel leakage ratios (ACLR) in one, five-channel capture.
Testing LTE, And VoLTE
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the so called 4th Generation (4G) mobile standard in the rapidly evolving mobile technologies. Its distinguishing feature is an all IP infrastructure and significantly greater air interface bandwidth to the mobile handset. It was developed as an enhancement to the existing 3G UMTS System (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) to provide users enhanced mobile radio and internet access.
Encryption Device for Voice & Data Communications
Rohde & Schwarz ELCRODAT products protect voice and data communications in armed forces and government digital and analog networks in all German and NATO security classifications.The ELCRODAT 4-2 is a fully ruggedized tactical crypto device for encrypting and decrypting voice and data communications for all German and NATO security classifications. Since it is TEMPEST-proof, it can be operated with HF/VHF/UHF radio, satellite communications and line transmission equipment. The device is ideal for deployment on stationary and mobile platforms in rugged terrain and in naval and airborne environments.
Crypto Devices
Confidential communications are essential to armed forces and government authorities. The Rohde & Schwarz crypto devices provide secure end-to-end encryption for the secure transmission of sensitive information over public communications networks or radio transmissions. Rohde & Schwarz crypto devices are interoperable with HF/VHF/UHF radios, satellite communications and line transmission equipment. They can encrypt and decrypt voice and data communications at the highest security levels. The crypto devices are ideal for stationary and mobile platforms in rugged terrain and in naval and airborne environments.
Ruggedized Encryption Device for Voice & Data Communications
The R&S®MMC3000 is a fully ruggedized tactical crypto device for encrypting and decrypting voice and data communications at the highest security levels. It is based on the ELCRODAT 4-2 but has no NATO crypto algorithms. Since it is TEMPEST-proof, it can work with HF/VHF/UHF radio, satellite communications and line transmission equipment. It is ideal for deployment on stationary and mobile platforms in rugged terrain and in naval and airborne environments.
SGMA RF Source
The R&S®SGS100A is an RF source designed to meet the requirements of automated test systems. It is available as a CW source or as a vector signal generator with an integrated I/Q modulator. With its frequency range of up to 12.75 GHz, the vector signal generation version covers the essential digital signals. The CW version can be used as a flexible local oscillator and for interference testing against mobile radio standards.
Wireless Device Testers
To keep the communications backbone of mobile radio technology running, powerful mobile radio networks are needed. For the complex measurements involved, Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide range of instruments and systems such as wireless device testers, infrastructure testers, protocol testers, conformance and preconformance testers.
Packaged Direction Finding Systems
Doppler Systems offers packaged systems allowing for easy installation and use our radio direction finding systems. The packaged systems include a direction finding processor, an FM receiver, power distribution, a data interface to configure the system and obtain data from the system, and an appropriate antenna or antennas. Additionally, some customers require wireless networking to connect fixed and/or mobile sites together to share data. We also can provide laptop computers with our systems fully configured to interface with the direction finder and run our software.
Mobile Radio Direction Finder
Doppler Systems offers mobile direction finders for frequencies from 100 to 1000 MHz. The mobile system uses the same DF processor fixed site systems. The mobile antenna utilizes roof mounted summing units and four vertical antennas. Band switching is achieved either by removing one set of antennas and installing another set or we also offer multiple summing unit options that facilitate band switching from within the vehicle.
Direction Finder Components
Doppler Systems offers direction finder components that can be paired with your narrow band FM receivers to create an accurate, low-cost radio direction finder (RDF). Our direction finder components include processors and fixed site and mobile antennas.
RF Frontends
Becker Nachrichtentechnik GmbH
Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is an attractive approach for mobile communication architectures in the development and evaluation phase for a rapid prototyping on a flexible platform. SDRs support a wide frequency range. However, for practical use in the field the HF properties are insufficient. The transmit power is limited to a 2-digit mW value. Dedicated filters are required for an effective suppression of out-of-band signals and to improve the noise figure of the receiver chain. Extending SDRs with application-specific RF-frontends achieves optimal RF performance in the field.
FCC Testing and Certification
Washington Labs provides FCC Testing and has many years of experience and expertise in the following:FCC Part 15 Testing for Computing Devices, Cordless Telephones, Satellite Receivers, TV Interface Devices, Receivers, Low Power Transmitters, and Spread Spectrum Transmitters, UNII & others.FCC Part 22 Testing for Cellular TelephonesFCC Part 25 Testing for Satellite CommunicationsFCC Part 90 Testing for Private Land Mobile Radio Services – Includes Paging Devices and Mobile Radio TransmittersFCC Part 95 Testing for Personal Radio ServicesFCC Part 18 Testing for Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment i.e. Microwave, and RF Lighting Ballast (ISM)FCC Part 24 Testing for Personal Communications SystemsFCC Part 80 Testing for Marine Radio Transmitters