The CTL503 Curve Tracer is a low-cost transistor (BJT and FET) computer controller curve tracer. Unlike other simple curve tracing units the CTL503 is designed to measure devices to 100V and upto 3A. Four collector resistors (relay selected) allow the user to test the smallest of BJT’s and FET’s as well as extracting meaningful curves from larger TO3/TO247 packaged devices. Limits on both peak test voltage and peak test current can be easily set to prevent exceeding device parameters.
Pulse testing (80us/300us) is used to minimise device heating and to ensure the CTL503 can be powered via USB. This may be disabled for smaller parts.
Connected and powered via USB and running our own free software the CTL503 is easily configured using a built in wizard (for quick results), or the user can adjust every instrument parameter to suit. Works with EPIC 21.010 and above.
Users can save data from runs, as well simply grab images directly from EPIC.
Connections are made to the DUT (device-under-test) with the built-in colour coded test leads with crocodile clips.